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Showing posts with label Property News. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Property News. Show all posts

Top 5 Modern Kitchen Cabinets Design

Cabinets are to the kitchen just like food is to a Man’s belly. A modern kitchen can’t be complete without a cabinet as it is the only means by which you store equipment in your Kitchen. Kitchen cabinets are one of the important features of a modern kitchen design as it is one of the first things you notice in the kitchen.

The Kitchen cabinets are primarily used for storing food, cooking equipment or dishes and can either be installed on the wall or floor. Modern kitchen cabinets are mostly curved or geometric manner and don’t make use of moulding. Kitchen cabinets can come in different sizes, shapes and materials such as wood combination, solid wood and metal.

Check out Top 5 Modern Kitchen Cabinets Design below;
1 1. Base Cabinets
2 2. Wall Cabinets
3 3. Tall Cabinets
4 4. Diagonal Corner Cabinet
5 5. Custom Cabinets

base cabinet
1. Base Cabinets
Base cabinets are the common design of kitchen cabinets that allows for bulk storage and often built with inner shelving for items such as pots, cookware and cleaning supplies. As the name implies, base cabinets are kitchen cabinets placed on the lower parts of the kitchen space. Base cabinets are primarily built to sit under the counter top of the kitchen and remains the largest area of a cabinet system. Base cabinets come in different types such as open base, cabinets, base pull out cabinets, base easy access cabinets and corner cabinets.

wall cabinet
2. Wall Cabinets
Wall cabinets provide your kitchen with storage options above the countertops and the base cabinets. This type of cabinet is usually suspended above the countertops for easy access of kitchen items while in a standing or moving position and are typically used for storing spices, beverages and
lightweight utensils. Wall cabinets can only have a box frame, panelled door or hanging rail and can never include drawers or shelves. Consideration must be given to the wall that will house the cabinet, it should at least be 12 inches deep to hold the cabinets and heavy items should not be placed inside a wall cabinet. Wall cabinets come in different types such as wall end cabinet, wall angle cabinet and wall trash pull-out cabinet.

tall cabinet
3. Tall Cabinets
Tall cabinets outshine other types of kitchen cabinets as regards its height and storage capacity. Tall cabinets as the name implies can be as tall as 96 inches. Tall cabinets can be referred to as pantry
cabinets and are mostly used for utility storage. It has the capacity to accommodate large and bulky items such as food supplies. Types of tall cabinets are tall pantry pullout, utility tall cabinets and oven and microwave cabinets.

4. Diagonal Corner Cabinet
Diagonal corner cabinets are primarily designed to be installed in a corner space of a building and it offer more storage space as it is larger in dimensions. This type of cabinets provides a diagonal transition across the right angle of the corner. Diagonal cabinet dimension makes it difficult to reach deep inside the corner area except for the drawer style and as such the cabinet should not be filled with heavy items.

custom cabinet
5. Custom Cabinets
Custom cabinets are specifically built to serve an identified purpose. Custom cabinets are built to owner specifications and can be expensive, labor-intensive and time-consuming. A professional cabinetmaker or carpenter can be hired to measure the space where the cabinet will be used to prevent the cabinet from being too small or big. Custom cabinets are either built on or off site by a skilled carpenter, it has multipurpose use and can be used for kitchen that are not of standard size.
With the right kitchen cabinets, you need not struggle to get items behind the cupboard or back of the shelf any longer. The above-listed options will help reduce your stress of fixing your dream kitchen cabinets that will be functional.

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Top 10 Questions To Ask A Real Estate Agent

Making reasonable profit from your real estate investments begins with hiring the right agents to work with. Not all real estate agents are the same, you need more than enough information from prospective agents before you sell you or buy a property. It’s critical you make the right decision about who will handle your real estate investment considering it as one of the largest investment you can invest on. Choosing an experienced agent is a tough process, especially when it’s your first time of selling or buying a property.

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Check Top 10 Questions to Ask Real Estate Agents below;

  1. What properties have you recently sold?
  2. What selling price do you think I can achieve?
  3. Why are you different from other agents?
  4. Do you have references I can contact?
  5. Is your commission negotiable?
  6. How do you attend to buyers?
  7. How long will it take to sell my property?
  8. How long have you been in real estate business?
  9. How much will I spend on Advertising?
  10. How should I sell my house?

What properties have you recently sold?
This question helps give you an insight into the types of properties your agent have sold in the past. Some agent specializes in the selling of commercial property or residential property while some can work on both sides considering their level of experience. Ideal agents must have worked on at least five similar properties in the past.

What selling price do you think I can achieve?
Your agent is expected to give you a sale price they think your property can be sold. Ask further by finding out why they gave the sale price and on what bases are their conclusions.

Why are you different from other agents?
This question allows your agent to distinguish themselves from others. They should emphasize more on their marketing plan, sales channel and achievements in dealing with similar properties. Your agent should possess some unique offers you can’t get elsewhere.

Do you have references I can contact?
This is similar to finding out the type of clients your prospective agents have dealt with in the past. It helps you grade their level of expertise and experience in handling your property.

 Is your commission negotiable?
Agreeing cuts seems to be the most difficult aspect of working with an agent. It’s not advisable to work with cheap agents but your agent should possess good negotiating skill and should be fair to commission as well.

How do you attend to buyers?
This helps find out personal attributes of your real estate agent before they become your face and interact with customers on your behalf. An agent with temper problem or lacks effective communication skill shouldn’t be considered for a business.

How long will it take to sell my property?
Answering a question like this seems difficult for agents except if they’ve worked on similar properties and probably have enough understanding of the local market. You can as well ask for those factors that will affect the property sales.

How long have you been in real estate business?
Experience counts in real estate but it’s not enough reason that agents with the most experience should be the best Some novice real estate agents have handled big properties that turned out to be really cool. These are things you should work out for.

 How much will I spend on Advertising?
Advertising depends on the type of property and it’s location. The two forms of advertising are either traditional like newspapers, signboards or digital such as online listings, email marketing and lots more.

 How should I sell my house?
This is where the agent introduces you to the different type of selling methods in real estate agents such as auction sales, price on application, expression of interest and sale. You also need to find out how the agent plan to arrange your property viewing or walkthrough for your property.

A good real estate agent can make a thousand difference to the sale price of your property if you chose carefully. However, making use of trusted online platforms such as PropertyPro.ng remains one of the ways to stay safe with your real estate investment.

Wallpaper Designs for Your Home

Wallpapers give your home a different look. Depending on the design and colour, wallpapers can add life to your living space. Another advantage is that no special skill is required to paste wall papers in your home. Also, they can always be removed when you no longer want them or changed if you want another design or colour.

Just as the colour of walls and curtains have psychological effects on people, so also wallpaper colours. Wallpapers of nature and popular places in the world are advised to use in the guest room as they will make your guests feel as though they are on vacation in some far away location in the world. A blue wallpaper in the bedroom, for instance, can evoke the feeling of being at the beach.  They are going to be pasted on the wall anyway, hence covering the colour of the wall. It is the wallpaper people see.
Wallpaper decor image
Wallpapers are particularly suited for kitchens and bathrooms where easy clean up is important. In choosing a wallpaper, it’s also important to consider the colours and designs that are best for each room or space. While a large wallpaper of a plate of meal and cutlery might be good for the kitchen or dining room, the living room could use a different design.

In choosing wallpapers, you should also consider the colours of other items – sofa, curtains, rug/carpet – in the room. Choosing the right colour of wallpaper can either complement the already existing colours in the room or create a complete contrast that might not be appealing.
Wallpaper decor images
There are different types of wallpapers:

Paintable Wallpaper: This has the ability to cover uneven surfaces and it’s easy to remove. It has a decorative surface and can also be painted over in the colour of your choice.
Removable Wallpaper: This is a great choice if the living space is not permanent; say you’re only renting it for a short period. It’s just as easy to remove from the wall as it is to paste it on.
Wallpaper decor image

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Why Real Estate Investment is the Solution to Nigeria’s Recession

Why Real Estate Investment is the Solution to Nigeria's Recession
Nigerians, generally, like to do a lot of comparison with Americans. In fact, we set them as a standard on most issues that bother us; ranging from dressing, lifestyle and to virtually everything.

Well, I also understand it’s not just a Nigerian trend, it’s a worldwide one since the United States of America (USA) is known to be the World Power. Many economies, by finding solace in the ‘supremacy’ of the USA, have not only gotten its military support but also enjoyed its ‘mentor-ship’.

Given the ongoing recession in our dear country, Nigeria, it would as well do us a lot of good to learn from the historical achievements of the USA which has also undergone more serious periods of recession.

First, the recession is caused by the fact that the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) has dropped two consecutive times within a short period and this is widely known to be a result of unfavorable foreign exchange in Nigeria and, in turn, an over-dependence on the Oil industry which has been suffering from sharp decline in oil price.

Since Nigeria depends heavily on the present failing Oil Industry which contributes 70% to government revenue, t

Back to our economic comparison: the contribution of the housing market to the GDP in Nigeria is less than 1 per cent, compared to that of the USA, which accounts for over 80 per cent. This implies that the housing sector in the USA contributes hugely to its success, hence, the drop in international oil prices does little or no harm to its economy. Hence, if you look at Nigeria’s 1 per cent contribution of housing to GDP, imagine what the economy will look like when it is grown to 80 per cent.

he recession could have been expected.

It is, therefore, advisable to use the housing sector as a stimulant to grow the economy thereby increasing its contribution to GDP; and, in turn, to curb the ongoing and likely recession. In fact, the Nigerian economy has a huge chance of booming if there is a sustainable investment into the housing sector to grow it from its dismal one per cent contribution to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

Therefore, if you’re an investor and looking for lucrative investment areas in Nigeria, don’t overlook the housing sector. More so, if you’re a developer, be informed that this is the right time to build as even the government is beginning to consider the housing sector for diversification.

Finally, home seekers need not worry as the government is working on a collaboration with China for a single digit interest rate mortgage that civil servants can pay.

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Things a Real Estate Agent Should Never Do

If you want to be a successful real estate agent, there are some things you should never do.In your pursuit to become that favourite agent every homeowner or potential buyer wants to deal with, you should avoid the following things below.

Losing contact after closing a deal
Some agents lose contact after a closing a deal. After working hard to convert leads to clients and getting a successful transaction, it won’t do you any good to lose contact with your clients. Maintaining contact with your clients will earn you lots of referrals as most homeowners prefer doing business with a trusted agent. You can send out ‘thank you’ notes periodically or call them occasionally.

Unorganized information
Retrieving a phone number or an email address might prove to be a difficult task if your client’s information is not organized thereby making follow-up difficult.  Always try to organize your data so you can easily access it whenever you want.

Bad investment
Before you invest in any form of marketing, always make sure you do a market survey before investing in any form of marketing. You need to identify the marketing channel where you get the highest numbers of leads, referrals, and clients. When you make these observations, you can reduce spending on some irrelevant areas in order to re-invest it in other profitable areas.

Ignorance of trends in the real estate sector
Regardless of whatever industry you are in, it is always evolving on a daily, weekly, monthly or yearly basis with new laws, techniques, and trends. If you’re not aware of what’s happening in the real estate industry, you will be left behind. All you have to do is educate yourself by reading various publications about real estate, going to workshops or seminars, join a class online and many other educational options to learn from.

Contact me anytime
Agents should never tell a client to contact them anytime especially if you do not mean it. Is it okay for your client to call you on a weekend at 2 am? If your answer is “no”, it’s better to let them know the best times to call, text or email you.

I will read the contract for you, just sign the contract
As real estate agents, you will read a lot of contracts and work closely with lawyers, but you are not a lawyer.  An agent should never tell a client to sign any contract that they have not read. Don’t sign a contract unless you have read the contract and had a lawyer review it for you.

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Real Estate Tips: Managing Your Clients

Managing clients
Imagine you own a real estate agency and you have many clients. There is a long list of questions you need to answer from various clients. Now, imagine the ever-growing list of clients putting pressure on you to meet their varying demands. So, how do you keep up with this demands and not break under pressure? Obviously, your business has expanded which is a positive thing but it has not adapted to its new size to meet the ever-growing number of clients and demands. Below are helpful tips for managing your clients and their varying demands.

Hire more personnel

Don’t be of the opinion that hiring more staff will eat into the profit. The truth is, if your clients are not managed properly, they would leave you for a better firm. The more client you lose translates to you losing profit to your competition.You need to have enough personnel to attend to the client’s demands promptly.  Getting more human resources could even help your business grow faster especially when you have a good team.

Use technology
Technology has made life easier. Take advantage of the tool and strengthen your online presence. Don’t be against technology, it will make your job easier in managing so many clients. Create a website where clients can get information about your company, place orders and even ask questions. You can also market your listings to other reliable property agencies. A good website helps you to attend to the needs of your clients easily.

Manage your time
The reality is that as responsibilities increase, it becomes more important to prioritise your activities if not you would not get anything done. You cannot afford to do things recklessly anymore as now you have many demands from clients. Get a to-do list, prioritise your activities daily and ensure you follow through with the schedule. That way, you reduce the possibility of forgetting meetings and appointments with clients and leads.

Protect confidential information
As you build relationships with various clients, you get access to confidential information. You may even have celebrity clients, politicians, businessmen, and CEOs. Although it may be tempting to disclose their identity to others, you need to practice discretion. When you share information about your clients, you lose the trust of your customers. You tend to lose clients especially when you are perceived as untrustworthy.

Building any form of relationship takes time. You have to earn trust through consistency and reliability, and you have to demonstrate your commitment to the client by offering excellent customer service. When you make the extra effort to truly engage with your clients, you’ll not only see how this impacts your sales but you may also make some friends in the process.

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Tips to help you avoid a real estate scam

It is unwise to think you can’t be fooled in a real estate transaction while some sellers and buyers are quite honest, there can be some dishonest sellers, agents or buyers. The reality is that the trait of dishonesty is not written on anybody’s forehead instead many of this scammers are criminally minded folks who are taking advantage of the system. Scams in the real estate industry in Nigeria are real but real estate scams are not just a problem peculiar to Nigeria. It is a global issue and there are ways you can protect yourself against being a victim.

So the real question is: how do you know if you’re about to be scammed in a real estate transaction?  The truth is you can’t know if you are about to be scammed but there are warning signs and tips you can take to protect yourself against the activities of scammers. Even if you are working with honest people, these are safe ways to approach buying, renting or selling any home.

Don’t rush the buying/renting process
It is quite possible to find a great deal and you most probably want to act quickly so you don’t lose the offer to someone else but the problem with rushing the buying or renting process is that you have little time to question the real estate transaction.

Step on the brakes of excitement and objectively analyse the deal if it seems to good to be true then it is advisable to step back from such transactions. It is better to be safe than sorry.

Verify the person you’re working with in the real estate transaction
Do not take whoever you are working with at face value ensure you do your research about that person. This is the digital age, check the person online, ask for referrals from other people and review their past works.

If your gut feeling tells you something is wrong with the person involved in the real estate transaction, then you need to step back do more research about that person. Don’t work with any person you have no confidence in.

Ask questions
Ensure to ask a lot of questions especially about any unclear issue about the real estate question. Ask the agent the reason for the sale?When there is not a reason for the sale, that can be a red flag. Questions are important because they help reveal inconsistencies in the real estate transactions.

If you spot any inconsistencies that cannot be reconciled then you need to rethink your involvement in the real estate transaction.

Avoid paying cash
If the homeowner or agent is asking you to pay in cash then you should tread carefully of that real estate transaction. The problem with paying in cash is that the money is not traceable unlike paying in a bank instead you insist on writing checks or paying at the bank as this means of payment does not leave you hanging dry if the transaction goes wrong.

You want to be able to hold someone liable when all is not what they seem; so be careful and avoid payments you can’t trace. If the agent or house owner is unyielding about paying in cash, then you need to step back immediately from that transaction.

Email scams
Internet originating scams are not uncommon these days.All the advantages of the digital era have made our life a lot easier, however, they don’t come without harm. When you receive an email that seems suspicious, double check with your agent before taking any actions requested electronically.

Use a reliable source in your search for properties
Online property listing sources such as ToLet.com.ng is a reputable platform to use in finding properties in Nigeria. It is advisable to make use of well know property agency so as not to be duped of one’s hard earned money.

Never skip inspection
A major red flag for any real estate transaction is when the homeowner or agent is trying to discourage you from inspecting the house. If there is nothing suspicious to hide then inspection is not negotiable.  Insist on inspection and if not granted by the homeowner or agent then it is advisable to terminate the real estate transaction immediately.

As a general rule, it is always best to refrain from giving out any personal information or bank information over the Internet or phone, especially if the situation doesn’t feel quite right. Have you been involved in a real estate scam before or know someone who has? Kindly share your story with other ToLet readers. Let someone else learn from your story. Drop your comments below.

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Lagos approves 15% discount on land use charge

Agege flyover completion date announced

“The Lagos State Government wednesday approved 15 per cent discount for all owners of properties in the state, which would pay their land use charge between now and April 14.”- This Day

The state government said it would inaugurate Ajah Flyover before May 29, revealing the plan to remove three more roundabouts in Lekki-Ajah corridor to ease vehicular movement.

The state governor, Mr. Akinwunmi Ambode, disclosed the plan to remove three additional roundabouts at the State House, Alausa where he received the Managing Director of Chevron Nigeria, Mr. Jeffrey Ewing and other top management staff members of the oil giant.

Ewing visited the State House alongside the General Manager, Policy, Government and Public Affairs, Chevron Nigeria Limited, Mr. Esimaje Brikinn and General Manager, Deep Water, Chevron Nigeria Limited, Mr. Lanre Kalejaiye, among others.

However, in a statement by the Ministry of Finance yesterday, the state government said it had extended the discount window for the payment of land use charge till April 2017.

He noted that the discount window would allow Lagos residents to further enjoy the discount of 15 per cent, noting that prompt payment of land use charge would make the state excel and its residents enjoy laudable programmes.

He urged residents to desist from payment of tenement rate and ground rent as section 22 of the State Land Use Charge Law, warning that late payment or non-payment of land us charge on an annual basis “would attract accrued penalties and accumulation of arrears.”

It, also, urged all property owners in the state “to take advantage of the extended discount window and ensure payment is made on or before April 4 in order to encourage the government in the delivery of services to the general public.”

When visited by the managing director of Chevron Nigeria, Ambode disclosed the plan to remove three roundabouts along Lekki-Ajah axis from next week in order to solve the challenge of traffic congestion that had become intractable along the corridor.

He added that the action was in line with the resolve of government “to totally eliminate traffic in the axis. The affected roundabouts are Igbo Efon, Chevron and Third roundabouts.”

He explained that the state government had tried as much as possible “to improve on the business environment. The state government would continue to invest in security and infrastructure to make life comfortable for residents and investors.

“We have tried to improve services within the state. The area of operation of Chevron which is the Lekki axis is not left out. Few weeks back, we improved on the traffic management towards that axis. We believe the move would also enhance productivity of the people.”

He ascribed the resolve to remove three additional roundabouts along Lekki-Ajah axis to the impact of the elimination of the first set of roundabouts had, noting that the state government would begin eliminating three roundabouts next week.

“From next week, we will commence the elimination of additional three roundabouts in the axis most especially Chevron, Igbo Efon and Third Roundabout. We believe doing that will totally eliminate traffic in that axis and we hope to also open the Ajah Flyover before the end of May,” Ambode said.

He said the essence of any government “is to create the enabling environment for businesses to thrive,” assuring that he would continue to do his best to provide safe and sound environment.

Source: ThisDay

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Why Survey plan is the most Essential Document for Land Search

A very bad survey plan that was terribly drawn up and the land is under government acquisition. Please shine your eyes before you become a victim of buying lands that are defective because you failed to carry out a thorough background survey land check
A Survey plan is a document that measures the boundary of a parcel of land to give an accurate measurement and description of that land. The people that handle survey issues are Surveyors and they are regulated by the office of the Surveyor general in Lagos as it relates to survey issues in Lagos. A survey plan must contain the following information:

1. The name of the owner of the land surveyed

2. The Address or description of the land surveyed

3. The size of the land surveyed

4. The drawn out portion of the land survey and mapped out on the survey plan document

5. The beacon numbers

6. The surveyor who drew up the survey plan and the date it was drawn up

7. A stamp showing the land is either free from Government acquisition or not.

A Survey Plan to me is the most important document that you must ask the Omonile, agent or family that intends to sell the land/property to you TO PRODUCE. This survey plan is what Omonile Lawyer would carry to the Land Bureau to do a geographical search  or take our designated Registered Surveyor to the land to pick out the coordinates of the land to compare at at the Surveyor general’s office  whether it is a good land or not.

No matter how cheap or beautiful or strategically located a land or property is, once that property has been discovered to be designated for Government use in future, there is no point going any further to purchase it. It will be a very foolish risk to attempt to defile the government and say nothing would happen, at least there are so many houses around or so many people have bought their own and nothing has happened.

Well for those who are conversant with the Lagos State Government’s no nonsense approach in maintaining the master plan of Lagos, once your property is within that area that has being designated for future Government use, no matter how long it may be, the plan must be carried out accordingly and your property will go down without any form of compensation because you failed to do the right thing by throwing caution to the wind. Examples include the 8 Lane Dual Carriage Way in Badagry that all the houses that were on that land were demolished, All the houses in Alimosho local Government that were near pipe lines, The ones in Idiroko, The houses in ijegun etc! In fact remind me of the ones you know.

Also in Lekki Ajah, it’s even worse because there are some areas that have been specially acquired by the government for over 20 years and it’s just now that the government is trying to recover its lands. These areas are what are known as COMMITTED LANDS. Once an area has been designated as Committed, it is the ultimate no go area to purchase a land. That’s where the government has committed those areas for Road expansions, future government estates or Government Reserved areas for major developments.

As long as that Property is designated as Committed or Under Government Acquisition, it is only the Government of the day that can revoke it  and grant you the right to obtain good title for that land bought under Acquisition but if the government hasn’t given you the right to obtain a good title there, then those buying into those areas are buying at their own mega risk. Don’t for once look at the houses around there as your guide to mean the government cannot demolish those houses, you would be shocked that the owners have 4 or 5 houses and can do away with that one and poor people like you and i that have no mouth to fight government will just be rendered homeless because of our stubbornness to buy at all cost there.

Remember you know where the shoe pinches and how much you have in your pocket. This is 2014 going 2015. Plan to save more money than to throw it away foolishly. Wink

The other option from Government is that if they choose not to demolish your house because it is sited on a committed land, they will end up giving you the option to come and pay Ratification. Ratification in this sense means you’re going to pay Government the full price and taxes it has pre-determined to be the cost of that place and its non negotiable. So imagine you bought the land in 2005 for N2Million in a committed area and in 2010, you now have to pay ratification also known as “Rat” at the cost of N5Million to the Government. Does that make any financial sense to you? Imagine all the fears, rumours, prayers that you would be going through so that those caterpillars don’t come your way.  If and when the government decides not to demolish, they now ask you to pay Ratification in equivalent of  triple or quadruple the amount you bought it and remember the Omonile or Agent you bought it from would be nowhere to be found and if Found, would not in this life time refund or assist you in any way.
A Sample copy of a Survey Plan and the features it should have before you carry a search on that land
Finally another advantage of the Survey Search is that if the land has been designated for Agricultural Purpose, you would know in advance. It’s mostly prevalent in Ikorodu, Badagry and Growing Rural Areas that are just cropping up. Buying into a place designated for Agric is a major no-no! Except you Want Your immediate neighbours to be Cows, Fisheries and probably Obasanjo’s Chicken farmers! Unless it has been designated for Residential or Mixed Development Avoid it pleases.

The summary is that the Survey Plan Search saves you alot of head ache at first before you even move ahead. And once you meet an Omonile or Agent who is extremely difficult with you in terms of not providing the survey plan on demand for search please my brothers and sisters, walk away quietly. The signs are already there for you to know you’re about to be scammed. A survey plan is a public document and not a private cheque book, so you shouldn’t be bamboozled by people who tell you that the owner doesn’t want to release it because of security reasons. Trust me there is no reason. As long as he is ready to sell, that is the first thing you get from them to know your status before proceeding.
Taking a Surveyor to the Land physically to measure and pick the land coordinates is one of the most important things you must do before you buy a land so as to know the status of the land
Finally I am not a Surveyor in anyway and this information should only serve as a guide for intending land purchasers. You will be well advised to consult a Registered Land Surveyor to give you an insight into what they do and how they do it. I am only talking about the roles Survey plan play as it relates to purchasing land in layman’s terms and why it is an extremely important document to have before, during and after you purchase a land in terms of Land Verification purposes.



Image result for oMONILE ISSUE
Happy days are here for all the land owners and intending ones in Lagos as the Lagos State House of assembly passed into law a bill to battle the Omo onile also known as land grabbers. This bill which was passed yesterday prohibits forceful entry and illegal occupying of landed property in the state.

According to Mudashiru Obasa, the Speaker of the Lagos State House of Assembly, a clean copy of the bill has been forwarded to the state Governor, Mr. Akinwunmi Ambode for his assent by Mr. Azeez Sanni, the acting Clerk of the House. This was done after the Bill had gone through the Third Reading and passed by a voice vote of all members present at plenary session.

What does this mean for landed property investors and owners?

No more forceful land take-over, entry by force, illegal occupying of property, illegal use of Law enforcement agents, encroaching with a weapon, sales of property without authority and professional misconduct among others. According to the provisions of the bill offenders can now face a maximum and minimum of 21 and 5 years imprisonment, there are also various fine impositions for such persons.

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Image result for Gazette document pictures
A Gazette is the most bastardized word Land Sellers have peddled around to Purchasers and its the most confusing document that non-land experts have heard and know absolutely nothing about. They neither know what it looks like nor its perceived advantages or disadvantages and why it is one of the most important document you must be connected to unless your home could be demolished in future for it not being associated with it. Now before we talk about what a Gazette is, we have to Know what an Excisions and how they are both connected.

Before the Land-Use Act in 1978 was enacted, Traditional families who had so much land power under their control benefited from taking pleasure over all the rights given to them as land owners. Because of this mega-power they wielded with land, they gave out lands to individuals under a tenancy system for them to use the land either for fishing or farming while they still maintained control over the portion of the land given to the individual.

It wasn’t until the creation of Lagos Executive Development Board in the 1950s that individuals where now able to acquire land from the board directly in exchange for a sum of money instead of going to meet the traditional families to obtain land.  This led to the Traditional Families now splitting their lands to keep some for the family use and others for sale to individuals directly to compete with the Lagos Executive Development.

This system still made the Traditional Families total top dogs in exercising exclusive rights with lands they chose to sell and the ones they chose to keep. This eventually led to the birth of land speculation in Nigeria because lands were very expensive to purchase and difficult to obtain. Because of this and other ancillary reasons, it finally led to the promulgation of the Land Use Decree on the 28th of March, 1978 that vested all lands in every state of the Federation under the control of the State Governors. People could now directly obtain land from the Governor and the Governor could allocate land to the individual or Companies inquiring about land and issue certificate of occupancy to these people it has allocated land to.

The land use act coupled with other laws made it possible for the Governor who was now the owner of all lands in the state to actually have the power to Acquire more lands Compulsorily for its own public purpose to provide Amenities for the greater good of the citizens. The Acquisition of land from the Family by the Governor who is now the custodian of all lands in the state was now empowered by the Land Use Act to take the general control and management of all URBAN land and any area designated as an Urban area by the Governor shall be  published in an Official Government Record book known as the Gazette.

Any area, community or village the Governor designates as an Urban Area is an Acquired land and the rest of the land it has not Acquired may be given back to the community it was acquired from in the form of an Excision.

“An Excision means basically taking a part from a whole and that part that has been excised, will be recorded and documented in the official government gazette of that state.”

So for example if in 1981, Victoria Island, Ikoyi and Lekki were all part of one big Community joined together called Oniru and it had no separation to know which area is called ikoyi, lekki or V.I then and it has an approximate total area square meters estimate of 100,000 square meters and the Government is interested in that area and decides to take 70,000 square meters for its self for its own personal use as an Urban Area or public purpose, it will record this acquisition in the official government gazette and also record that the remaining 30,000 square meters has been left alone for the traditional family to have and do with it whatever it pleases it to do.

This  my friends is the sweet relationship between a land under acquisition, an excision and gazette.

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Don't Be A Victim. Investigate Every Property Before You Buy Any Land This Year

Hi Everyone! 2017 and 2018 was great for so many reasons because I made people finally realize they have the power to determine how they buy property before throwing away their hard earned money. Personally i feel very very fulfilled that i did my best to help a lot of Nigerians search properties and recommend the ones that are valid and the ones that have so many hidden problems that by the time you purchase it, you end up having more headaches than when you previously didn't buy any land. I was doing my calculation yesterday and i realized i have turned down almost N165Million worth of properties that were advertised to be sold to intending purchasers that had so many hidden scruples that the agents and omoniles wont tell you till you commit your money and then its from frying pan to fire. smiley

For the avoidance of doubt for First Time Property/Land Buyers or New DestinyKing Property Viewers and Readers  who don't know what a property search is, it means before you buy any land or property what so ever in any form or shape where ever, you have to know the validity of it.

Lagos in particular is so notorious when it comes to sale of property or land that have so many fraudulent defects surrounding that land/ property that you wont even know what has hit you. These set of people are known as the Omoniles, land grabbers or land touts.

Omoniles naturally should mean owners of the original land which includes the original family that truthfully inherited the property from their fore fathers that has passed down to them. But the real problem comes when there are so many members of the family that are divided in terms of claiming ownership of the lands and how the land truthfully devolved to them. Before you know it, a property that is meant to be shared by a family of 3 to claim ownership is now being contested by the brother in law, the aunt, the great grand uncle relatives etc and that's when they begin to employ touts going around to masquerade as the original owners with the right to sell and after you fall victim of their sweet tongues and coercion, you realize that you bought from the wrong family or the wrong set of people who have no right to sell the land to you and you would be confronted by the original owners  when you have started building half way and forced to cough out another payment to the real owners or be thrown out of the land. Trust me this scourge is very very real and 65% of lands in Lagos have this problem one way or the other.

The other way your being deceived is by telling you the genuineness of the property comes from a set of documents. Those set of documents include either a survey plan, a deed of assignment, a certificate of occupancy, government allocation letter, government gazette or governors consent.

They will show you all manners of papers to make you believe them instantly and start pointing to different houses around there that has been built by one commissioner or one Minister or one big man and that their houses are still standing without any government wahala. What they want you to do is to instantly believe them and pay money to them immediately. One thing you can be rest assured is that, once you pay money to an Omonile, you will never ever ever get a refund of that money. Its gone and in some cases its in your front they will start sharing the money.

Don't ever ever fall for that trick. Always demand for what ever documents they have. I will point out the importance of each document to know the relevance of it and why it shouldn't be taken for granted.

1. Survey Plan:

This to me is the most important document From the start you must ask for from the omonile, agent or family that intends to sell the land/property to you. This survey plan is what i would carry to the Land Bureau to go and do a geographical search on first. No matter how cheap or beautiful or strategically located a land or property is, once that property has been discovered to be designated for Government use in future, there is no point going any further to purchase it. It will be a very foolish risk to attempt to defile the government and say nothing would happen, at least there are so many houses around or so many people have bought their own and nothing has happened.

Well for those who are conversant with Uncle Fashola's no nonsense approach in maintaining the master plan of Lagos, once your property is within that area that has being designated for Future Government use, no matter how long maybe its in the year 2023, the plan must be carried out accordingly and your property will go down without any form of compensation because you failed to do the right thing by throwing caution to the wind. Examples include the 8 Lane Dual Carriage Way in Badagry that all the houses that were on that land were demolished, All the houses in Alimosho local Government that were near pipe lines, The ones in Idiroko, The houses in ijegun etc! In fact remind me of the ones you know.

Also in Lekki Ajah, its even worse because there are some areas that have been specially acquired by the government for over 20 years and its just now that the government is trying to recover its lands. These areas is what is known as COMMITTED LANDS. Once an area has been designated as Committed, it is the ultimate no go area abeg. That's where they commit the area for Road expansion, future government estates or Government Reserved areas For Major Developments. As long as that Property is designated as Committed or under acquisition, it is only the Government of the day that can revoke it and anybody buying into those areas are buying at their own mega risk. Don't for once look at the houses around there as your guide to mean the government cannot demolish those houses, you would be shocked that the owners have 4 or 5 houses and can do away with that one and poor people like me and you that have no mouth to fight government will just be rendered homeless because of our stubbornness to buy at all cost there.

Remember you know where the shoe pinches and how much you have in your pocket. This is 2018. Plan to save more money than to throw it away foolishly. wink

The other option from Government is that if they choose not to demolish your house because it is sited on a committed land, they will end up giving you the option to come and pay Ratification. Ratification in this sense means your going to pay Government the full price and taxes it determines to be the cost of that place and its non negotiable. So imagine you bought the land in 2018 for N2Million in a committed area and in 2023, you now have to pay ratification also known as "Rat" at the cost of N5Million to the Government. Does that make any financial sense to you? Imagine all the fears, rumors, prayers that you would be going through so that those caterpillars don't come your way and when they decide not to demolish, they now ask you to pay Ratification, triple or quadruple the amount you bought it and remember the Omonile or Agent you bought it from is no where to be found and if Found, would not in this life time refund or assist you in any way.

Finally another advantage of the Survey Search is that if the land has been designated for Agricultural Purpose, you would know in advance. Its is mostly prevalent in Ikorodu, Badagry and Growing Rural Areas that are just cropping up. Buying into a place designated for Agric is a major no-no! Except you Want Your immediate neighbors to be Cows, Fisheries and probably Obasanjo's Chicken farmers! Unless it has been designated for Residential or Mixed Development Avoid it please.

The summary is that the Survey Plan Search saves you a lot of head ache at first before you even move ahead. And once you meet an Omonile or Agent who is extremely difficult with you in terms of not providing the survey plan on demand for search please my brothers and sisters, walk away quietly. The signs are already there for you to know your about to be scammed. A survey plan is a public document and not a private cheque book, so you shouldn't be bamboozled by people who tell you that the owner doesn't want to release it because of security reasons. Trust me there is no reason. As long as he is ready to sell, that is the first thing you get from them to know your status before proceeding.

2.The Deed of Assignment or Conveyance:

This is the second most important document you need to do a personal search. A deed of conveyance or assignment traces the history of how the property or land has reached the present owner till date. It relates all the information in respect of the true owners of the land before it was passed to Mr A and How MR A sold it to Mr B and How Mr B intend to sell it to you. With that document, you can trace in most respect the original families to find out if there is any dispute as to the ownership of the land how it has been transferred. It is extremely important to trace the original source of the land because its there you know if the land actually has been duly transferred to the present owner. It is here you get to know of if there is any family dispute and some families are still quarreling over the true ownership of the land. It is there you tend to get the family names to go and do a thorough search in court or Alausa to know of any lingering dispute. Its here you get to know the hanky panky the present owner intends to play when he begins to tell you rooster and bull stories so that you pay for the land immediately.

Never fall for this trick. Ask for a copy of the deed if they have one and hand it over to your lawyer for a through search on the family. To be honest this is the most difficult search of them all and it takes the special grace of God to make sure you come out unscathed.

Ways the present owner can deceive you includes:

1. Presenting a false person to Assume the identity of the  Original family so as to pretend that he or she sold it to the family 20 years ago

2. Telling you that the family is non existent anymore or they have moved away from that vicinity

3. Telling you all the family members have died

4. Coercing you that you don't need to meet the family because since it has been sold to him, he is the rightful person to sell to you.

This number 4 is a bloody lie and there is a reason which i wont mention here why this particular reason shouldn't stand at all and i can only disclose that in confidence based on the legality of it and the possible back door approach that Alausa frowns upon especially when your perfecting your papers tomorrow.

Bottom line, the deed of assignment is a major search instrument to know the how, why and when of the property you buying and it is very very stressful. So either be prepared to do all the walking, CID/FBI investigations or give your property lawyer on your behalf.

I hope you now know why search is not cheap!!! They say Good soup na money kill am or Penny Wise pound foolish. Because once you fail to get the real identity of the true family owners, your money has been sunk into the whitest of all elephant projects you can dream of, so be more vigilant this 2010.

3. Certificate of Occupancy, Government Allocation, Governors Consent:

These 3 are the dream lands or properties you can buy from with no stress or wahala what so ever. Any property that has any of the 3 is a very Good property to buy and to search them in Alausa is very easy because the records are there. In most situations, i will encourage you to look for properties that have a Global C/O, Private Certificate of Occupancy, Government Allocation or Governors Consent. Its so easy to perfect your papers in Future and your most likely in Most situations going to get compensated from the Government in case anything goes wrong if they attempt to acquire it or query it.

The only problems i have seen is that most properties or lands with a C/O, Government consent or Government allocation letter are quite expensive because of the paper work that has been done thoroughly by the present seller and it almost eliminates omonile from the transaction in most cases. So because the owners know that they have correct papers, they market and sell their properties quite high too because they are selling you gold. But then again you need your lawyer to help you negotiate favorably to make sure the property becomes yours.

The second problem is the issue of fake C/Os, Government Allocation Letters and Governors Consent. In my experience i have seen more than enough fake documents and these agents or omoniles would be so bold enough to dare you to go and check it in Alausa. They will so brain wash you and brag about its validity that you might be tempted to take their word for it but when you decide to go and search it in Alausa, you will find out that it doesn't exist and when you go back to challenge them, you hear new stories and unbelievable song and dance stories that you would almost want to puke.

Always demand for the Document to do the search. Don't listen to their stories. If they go as far as saying they wont release the C/O or Governors consent due to security risks, ask them for the number alone and the rest will be investigated. Don't compromise and get hoodwinked. Its the way they get their bread and butter. You fall for the scam, your on your own.

4. Government Gazette:

This is a document that records and states the areas the government has willingly given to the family and community to sell and that the government will not acquire it for what so ever reason except it duly notifies the world. The major characteristics of a gazette on provides 2 things.

1. The Area e.g Ilupeju

2. The coordinates e.g the Beacon Numbers that separates where the Land given to the family starts and stops. This is Known as an Excision. That means in a whole portion of land lets say 10 PLOTS, Government has excised 4 to the family and has taken 6 plots for its own use. Those 4 Plots will now be documented in a book form known as a Gazette. Its the Coordinates you will get to know where the 4 plots start and ends. You can never know with a unclothed Eye!

Now the danger of the Gazette that i have seen in my experience is that people who see the gazette, jump up and down and accept it whole line and sinker and proceed to pay to the family because that area is listed in the gazette and they believe that area is free. That's very wrong and dangerous.

It is only an Alausa Surveyor that can come to that gazetted area, map out the coordinates and tell you precisely whether your property falls inside the gazette or not. I have seen places where people purchased the lands that are outside the gazetted excision and still believe they are inside the gazetted excision coordinates. I have seen lazy lawyers and surveyors who wont take that time and patience to verify this one particular issue. I have seen fake gazettes with fake coordinates and worst of all i have seen people pay hard earned cash for those places that are most certainly going to be demolished.

Never ever play with a Government Gazette. They know why they documented it for you to see and if you refuse to follow those rules, you will heavily dealt with.

Anyway i have decided to assist people more this year 2018 and i thank so many people that brought me back to Property News via emails and phone calls from around the world  through words of encouragement  and blessings when i wanted to quit due to the malicious things some of my clients were saying about me and to repay this gesture as my gift back to Destinyking Property News this 2018, i would do the following for every member of Destinyking Property News that wants to buy a property free. smiley

1. When you intend to get a property, after you discuss with the agent or family selling, get a copy of the survey plan to me and i will do the survey search in Alausa for you free to know whether you should proceed to stage 2 or to forget the whole property from the beginning to save you stress and wahala. Just scan a copy of the survey plan and send it to me at destinyconsult.dc@gmail.com or call me on 08153534173.

Introduce your self and please try and convince me the reason you need the property search because i sift through my mails to know who is a time waster, clown or someone that truely needs assistance. Leave your number so i can call to tell you the result and advice you on the next stage which would include visiting the place physically to ascertain the coordinates because i have seen situations where the Survey Plan given is different from the Coordinates of the Proposed Land for sale. So when it is time for Stage 2 to carry me out, abeg prepare my deregulation money for hand o! grin (Joking)

This offer is only Open to Lands in Lagos State Alone and doesnt extend to Mowe/ Ofada/ Ogun state because of the distance going to Abeokuta back and forth. Alausa is Easier for me because my Office is a stone throw in Ikeja so i can hop in 10 times a day to get my information without crying over it in terms of the distance and transportation cost.

One more thing please, respect the fact that even though i am offering a free service, i have the right to cancel it at anytime if i realise am being taken for a ride. Property Search is a very very difficult process and if you think i am lying, devote a full day to do all the walking around in Lagos Traffic and meeting all sorts of people trying to hoodwink you and see if you have the mental capacity to withstand the shock and value how much a search would really cost if you did it alone

So take advantage of me now before i change my mind! grin.

If all is clear and you understand it throughly, then Good luck this 2010 in acquiring your dream property and may God continue to replenish your pocket to actualize your dream home and me the strenght to waka the whole of Lagos on your behalf so that you would have a Property/ Land Scam - Free year.

Finally Remember that You are not offending anybody if you are taking all the necessary steps before you drop your money for any Property Transaction, Rather your safeguarding your hard earned Money. Many Have gotten their fingers burnt for failing to do what is required in a property purchase. Its not how long but how well. Do the due diligence step by step. The property is not running away, rather its your money that will run away if you don't take these steps!Those that i have assisted one way or the other on Destinyking Property News to do a search or acquire properties will tell you how extremely thorough i am.

One more thing. If you intend to buy a property in Addo/ Badore Ajah Estates, please dont waste my time and your time. 85% of those lands / Estates there are under government acquistion and are Committed Areas. Governmnent has Acquired over 300 Hectares of Land in that place and thats approximately almost 5000 plots.

Anyone who has bought there or is intending to buy there that falls within that Committed Area is just wasting his/her time living in fear of demolition or whatever the government decides to do in that place. Nobody in those committed Areas will be able to get their C/O and anyone telling you otherwise is lying. I will not entertain searches emanating from those areas anymore. I am tired of going to the Survey General's office and hearing the same thing that it is a problematic area. Buyers Beware.

This is the problem of not doing a proper search in an area before you rush and buy land. Learn from the mistake of others before you rush and join them in their own problem. Omonile will forever convince you that the place is safe but Omonile will never refund your money after you have been 419ed! Property Buying is the easiest 419 Nigerians Fall for daily that never ceases to amaze me. Please be safe and intelligent before you make your next purchase. Whether the land is going for N400,000 or N400Million, protect your money. You didnt steal it, you worked hard for it, so dont let some people steal it from you because you failed to look before you leaped!


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Real Estate Developers Association of Nigeria (REDAN)

As a way to effectively handle the current huge housing deficit in the country, the government is collaborating with the private sector through reputable agencies and associations. One of such is the Real Estate Developer’s Association of Nigeria (NIGERIA), an agency tasked principally with the responsibility of facilitating the delivery of affordable mass housing in the country. The association has a membership strength of over 1, 500 members and is the brain behind any housing development or initiative that is organized and/or sponsored by the Federal, State & Local Governments, NGOs, private organizations, as well as foreign partners and investors.

The association, which was created in the 90s, has gained tremendous reliability and reputation through its ability to endorse the interests of its members by furthering the reformation process of the mortgage finance sector thus creating a conducive environment for the provision of mass housing at the National Assembly and restructuring the housing finance policies of the Central Bank of Nigeria FMBN, Primary Mortgage and Commercial banks. The association also partners with other associations in the Housing and Real Estate Development industry and works closely with the Federal Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development since the ministry is a major provider of land.

The association’s National Secretariat is located at 32, Minna Street, Off Ilorin Street, Area 8, Section 1, Garki, Abuja FCT, while the South West Regional Office is located at Plot 1, Block B8, CMD/Jubilee Road, Magodo, GRA, Lagos State, Nigeria.

Although REDAN is backed and funded by the Federal Mortgage Bank of Nigeria (FMBN) – the apex mortgage lender in Nigeria – the association is presently trying to improve funding by branching out into the national and international capital market so as to make sure that the realization of delivering mass housing to Nigerians is not encumbered by an unsteady flow of funds.

With a strategic direction to create a platform where real estate developers can collaborate for the common good of Nigeria, REDAN seeks to ensure and maintain amiable relations with all stakeholders associated with the housing industry. It also collaborates with government agencies and parastatals involved in land administration, planning, infrastructure development, housing provision and administration. The association also actively promotes research studies for the improvement of building materials and systems, as well as setting a standard for the industry.

In line with its objectives, REDAN’s Vision Statement is “To be Nigeria’s most influential and credible voice in the real estate development and investment industry, a notable force in influencing industry policies and practices; with strong local and international recognition in all issues affecting the Nigeria real estate sector.”
Its Mission Statement is “To effectively represent the members to achieve their corporate objectives and to efficiently carry on their business as agents of development by ensuring public appreciation of the importance of REDAN, and efforts it is making to meet the housing needs of Nigerians. Ensuring balanced national legislative, regulatory and fiscal policy to provide the enabling framework and environment for effective housing delivery.”
Membership of this prestigious association however is not open to individuals but corporate organizations and is by application. Applicant must be an estate development company or be involved in business related to the housing industry or commercial real estate development including building of residential, commercial or industrial structures. This is inclusive of shopping centers, plazas or other commercial structures. Corporate organizations eligible for membership are Limited Liability Companies, Registered Societies, Partnerships, and Parastatals of State or Federal Governments involved in real estate development.

Some of the benefits of being a member are:
• Credibility and recognition as a developer.
• Access to information on developments affecting real estate development.
• Support for land acquisition, participation in the Public Private Partnership (PPP) scheme for infrastructure and estate development
• Access to finance under the REDAN Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) scheme, or other local and offshore development loan syndication schemes under the auspices of the Association.
• Opportunity to access estate development financing from the Federal Mortgage Bank of Nigeria (FMBN) and sell housing units to National Housing Fund (NHF) contributors under the NHF mortgage loan scheme
• Access to NAHB resources through REDAN’s affiliation with IHA
• Access to customized and symposiums, such as the EDL workshop


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Hutbay Unveils Custom Webpages for Estate Agents and Developers

Lagos-based online marketplace for properties, Hutbay, has unveiled customizable web pages for estate agents and developers, to boost their online presence.

Hutbay made this known to TechCabal via an email conversation with company CEO, Owolabi Olatunji.

According to an official release from Hutbay, the customizable web pages, which has been in beta for some weeks now, will allow real estate agents create web pages, and curate their listings in a way that visitors to their pages can easily browse through.

“Real estate agency is primarily a mobile and offline profession. Information technology (IT), as it were, is not the forte of real estate professionals,” Hutbay says, “However, more and more real estate consumers are going online to find property and property-related services.”

Hutbay says the webpages are fully customizable and optimized for visibility, with customizable rich media, company information, dynamic listings and lead generation forms.

Formally launched in May 2013, Hutbay assists home buyers, sellers, renters, real estate professionals/mortgage institutions, find and disseminate important information about homes and real estate.

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Estate Agent dupes 56 people

A developer and four estate agents have been arraigned before a magistrate’s court sitting in Lagos for allegedly collecting a sum of N19.4m from 56 persons under the guise of letting out a self-contained apartment on Yusuf Street in the Iyana Ipaja area of the state.

We gathered that the accused persons – Chief Adeoye Ogundipe (70), Chief Wasiu Jinadu (62), Tajudeen Bamidele (54), Gbolagade Sanusi (58) and Tajudeen Idowu (40) – allegedly collected the money from the unsuspecting victims between September and October, 2014.

We also learnt that each of the complainants was duped of a sums ranging from N100, 000 to N250,000.

While the agents – Ogundipe, Jinadu, Bamidele and Sanusi made N7.2m from the ‘deal’, the developer, Idowu, whom residents in the area identified also as Bashiru, got N12.2m.

It was said that the victims paid the money after the defendants had taken them to the apartment, which they were individually promised to occupy as soon as it was completed.

It was also revealed that the syndicate’s antics blew open when two of the prospective tenants met at the apartment.

A police team was said to have gone after the suspected fraudsters after the case was reported at the Gowon Estate Police Division.

On Friday, when our correspondent visited the detached apartment with the inscription “Bashiru is wanted,” its window glass had not been fixed. Some parts of its roof were also yet to be covered.

The defendants were arraigned before the magistrate, Mrs. O.A. Olayinka, on three counts of conspiracy and fraud.

It was, however, learnt that the agents had been prosecuted in the court while the developer was at large.

The charges read in part, “That you Tajudeen Idowu, Adeoye Ogundipe, Wasiu Jinadu, Tajudeen Bamidele and Gbolagade Sanusi did between the months of September and October, 2014 at 27 Yusuf Street Iyana Ipaja in the Ikeja Magisterial District conspire to commit felony by unlawfully collecting a sum of N19, 478, 000 from one Ague Loveth and 55 others.

“That you did on the same month and place in the aforementioned magisterial district conspire to defraud one Agu Loveth and 55 others to the tune of N19, 478,000 under the pretence that you will secure a self-contained apartment for them.”

However, the defendants pleaded not guilty to the charges which the police said were contrary to and punishable under sections 323 and 321 of the Criminal Law of Lagos State, 2011.

While the four estate agents were admitted to bail in the sum of 1m with two sureties each in like sum, the developer was granted bail in the sum of N5m with three sureties who, according to the magistrate, must be level 12 civil servants working for the state government.

Olayinka adjourned the matter till December 4, 2018.

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