Things a Real Estate Agent Should Never Do

If you want to be a successful real estate agent, there are some things you should never do.In your pursuit to become that favourite agent every homeowner or potential buyer wants to deal with, you should avoid the following things below.

Losing contact after closing a deal
Some agents lose contact after a closing a deal. After working hard to convert leads to clients and getting a successful transaction, it won’t do you any good to lose contact with your clients. Maintaining contact with your clients will earn you lots of referrals as most homeowners prefer doing business with a trusted agent. You can send out ‘thank you’ notes periodically or call them occasionally.

Unorganized information
Retrieving a phone number or an email address might prove to be a difficult task if your client’s information is not organized thereby making follow-up difficult.  Always try to organize your data so you can easily access it whenever you want.

Bad investment
Before you invest in any form of marketing, always make sure you do a market survey before investing in any form of marketing. You need to identify the marketing channel where you get the highest numbers of leads, referrals, and clients. When you make these observations, you can reduce spending on some irrelevant areas in order to re-invest it in other profitable areas.

Ignorance of trends in the real estate sector
Regardless of whatever industry you are in, it is always evolving on a daily, weekly, monthly or yearly basis with new laws, techniques, and trends. If you’re not aware of what’s happening in the real estate industry, you will be left behind. All you have to do is educate yourself by reading various publications about real estate, going to workshops or seminars, join a class online and many other educational options to learn from.

Contact me anytime
Agents should never tell a client to contact them anytime especially if you do not mean it. Is it okay for your client to call you on a weekend at 2 am? If your answer is “no”, it’s better to let them know the best times to call, text or email you.

I will read the contract for you, just sign the contract
As real estate agents, you will read a lot of contracts and work closely with lawyers, but you are not a lawyer.  An agent should never tell a client to sign any contract that they have not read. Don’t sign a contract unless you have read the contract and had a lawyer review it for you.

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