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Ways To Avoid Being Denied Your Mortgage

In some cases, people come up with part of the money needed to buy a house, but coming up with the rest of the money becomes hard. Based on this situation, a fair number of people take special loans from banks in order to buy a house in Nigeria. 

The reality is that not everyone who requests mortgage from banks is given instead they are denied mortgage because of simple mistakes they could have avoided. Below are helpful tips on how to avoid being turned down when you request for a mortgage.

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Eliminate Your Debts
Before a bank grants people mortgage, they always want to know if you are a debtor or a debt-free person. When applying for a mortgage, make it a priority to eliminate all your debts if possible. Existing debts send banks a red signal.

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Improve Your Debt-To-Income Ratio
The debt-to-income ratio is simply the ratio of the amount of your income you allocate to paying debts, to your total income. When you have a debt-to-income ratio greater than 30 – 35 percent, you should be aware that you are on the red side. To stay on the green side, you should reduce your debt-to-income ratio to 30 percent or less.

You can reduce your debt-to-income ratio by increasing your income.

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Keep a Good Employment History
Before any bank loans money out, they would have to confirm that the person can pay the loan back. Are you the kind of person who switches jobs often? If yes, this is a red signal to a bank. Financial institutions will consider this financial instability, and deny your application for a mortgage. When you want to request a mortgage, it is important that you are stable job-wise.

If you can avoid all the mistakes listed above you can increase your chances of the bank granting you a mortgage.

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Reasons to Consider Buying a House With a Real Estate Agent in Nigeria

In Nigeria, doing the work yourself can save you the significant commission rates many real estate agents charge you but there is the probability that you could end up spending more money than an agent’s commission in the long run. Buying or selling a home is a major financial undertaking. Discover the reasons why you should consider buying a house with a real estate agent below.

1 It Saves Your Time
2 Negotiation
3 Access To More Property Listings
4 Assistance With The Paperwork
5 Overpaying

It Saves Your Time
The fact that you are working with a professional who has experience in the house buying process will help save your time unlike the time you would waste trying to figure things out on your own.

Who do you think would have the upper hand in a tough offer negotiation: is it a real estate professional with experience or a home-buying newbie who has an emotional attachment to the home?  Without an agent, buyers go into negotiations handicapped.

Access To More Property Listings
An experienced real estate agent will provide you with more property listings than you would have had access to if you were searching for it by yourself. With an agent, you get to have varying degrees of properties listed for sale.

Assistance With The Paperwork
Do you enjoy reading through paperwork that goes into buying a home? Paperwork can make the home buying process frustrating especially when you don’t have an agent to assist you. Agents are not lawyers but they are familiar with paperwork for houses, hence, they can assist you during the process. You need not worry about paperwork when you are trying to buy a house with a real estate agent.

Without a real estate agent, you could find yourself at the mercy of a house owner who is eager to exploit your desperation to buy his/her house. An experienced real estate agent would be able to spot when you are been overcharged and ensure that you’re not paying too much for the property involved.

Real estate agent



Nigeria’s leading online real estate sector PropertyPro.ng (Formerly ToLet.com.ng) releases a report of the Nigerian real estate sector for the first quarter of the year 2018. The report focused on the trends of the Nigerian real estate market in the year 2017 and the first quarter of 2018. 

The study analyzed how impactful the economic recession was in the real estate market. It also looked at trends and going prices for properties within the residential and commercial umbrellas of the real estate market.

According to the CEO, Fikayo Ogundipe, “a lot is happening in the real estate sector, especially in Nigeria, and we feel it is something worth talking about. With this report, everyone interested in the real estate sector in Nigeria will be able to understand the current trends of the Nigerian real estate sector.” The report has been influenced by the rate at which properties are searched for online by Nigerians and this explains the interest of house hunters in 2017 and the first quarter of the year 2018. “We monitored the most searched types of properties by Nigerians along with the price range that fell with the interest of online real estate end users,” said Ayeni, the Chief Technical Officer.

As noted by the Chief Operating Officer and co-founder, Oladapo Eludire, “Real estate investment always require lots of funding and when dealing in such high-risk investment, gut-feeling isn’t enough in making the best decisions. Such decision needs to be backed up by data. PropertyPro.ng being the most used online real estate platform with the largest listing database across the country has given us insight into the Nigerian real estate market on a micro and macro level.”  Sulaiman Balogun, Chief Business Officer, and co-founder stated that the statistical verbal of the report makes it evident that the real estate sector is experiencing a significant growth to retain its position as the 5th biggest contributor to the GDP of Africa’s largest economy.

This report by PropertyPro.ng has detailed study of the real estate economy in the economic overview column while the property trend explains the current trend of the Nigerian real estate market in terms of residential and commercial properties, and the current trend in the prices of properties (for sale and for rent) in various locations across the country. Contained in this report is the Land Use act thoroughly explained. This real estate report by PropertyPro.ng also featured studies of emerging real estate market in Nigeria as a whole, highlighting activity and performance. For more information about the real estate quarterly report by PropertyPro.ng, Kindly visit https://www.propertypro.ng/report.

PropertyPro.ng (formerly ToLet.com.ng) is one of Nigeria’s prominent online real estate company with parlaying success of providing solutions to bridge the gap between real estate professionals, investors, and house hunters. PropertyPro.ng is a member of the ToLet Property Group along with other members; Prestige magazine, PropertyPro Magazine and Moveme.com.ng founded by the brainchild of four visionary young men; Fikayo Ogundipe, Oladapo Eludire, Sulaiman Balogun and Oluwaseyi Ayeni. With the acquisition of Jumia House (Lamudi), PropertyPro.ng has pivoted to become a property classified platform with over 10,000 agents and over 60,000 listings.

Experts have projected the Nigerian real estate sector will grow at the average of 10% in the next few years. The real estate sector has been valued by National Bureau of Statistics to worth at an average N8.06 trillion which is over 8% of Nigeria’s GDP. With the recession that hit the country a few years ago, the real estate market in Nigeria still remains vibrant.

Must-Have Habits To Become a Successful Real Estate Agents in Nigeria

Everyone wants to be successful. Nobody goes into a business with the goal of failing in the end. It’s not enough to desire success in real estate sector but to know how to achieve the desired success in the business. The question then is how do you achieve success as a real estate agent in Nigeria?  Below are helpful habits that will set you on the path to success in your real estate business

1 Be Proactive: Manage your time
2 Devise A Plan
3 Technology
4 Keep Learning
5 Respond to your Leads promptly
6 Advertise Online

Be Proactive: Manage your time
Practicing a proactive approach to the ever-changing market forces of supply and demand in the real estate sector sets you on the path of success. You need to be proactive by giving your attention to generating leads, leveraging referrals and building a structure around your business.

Devise A Plan
Planning is a key component in becoming a successful real estate agent in Nigeria. That why the famous quote if you do not plan to succeed then you have planned to fail is very true in any situation. Before you take any step regarding your business, ensure you have developed a plan for it. Majority of the failures recorded in real estate market among real estate agents is as a result of lack of a plan. In setting your goals, ensure they are SMART(specific, measurable, accurate, realistic and time-bound) goals.

In achieving success in your real estate business, there are no shortcuts. Ensure you adapt your plan to varying situations.

Technology is a very effective tool for becoming a success in your real estate business. Embrace the digital age by using means of technology to expand your business, attract property finders, network with other professionals and get more referrals. The reality is that technology has provided tools you can use to maximize profits.

Keep Learning
To remain relevant as a real estate agent in educating your clients, you must keep educate yourself. The key here is continuous self improvement by reading books, feedback, watching videos, going for seminars and interacting with other agents It is quite important you stay updated with the latest trends and happenings in the world of real estate.

Continuous learning will not only give you success but keep you at a competitive edge above your colleagues.

Respond to your Leads promptly
As a real estate agent, responding to the leads is as important as getting them. Make it a priority to respond to leads as quickly as you can. The real estate market is time sensitive, so as an agent you need to always respond promptly.

Lately, because of the increase in the number of agents in the Nigeria real estate market, it has become very easy for other agents to take up your potential clients if you do not respond promptly.

Advertise Online
You must understand that advertising is highly targeted at the people and companies that need your services as an agent. Therefore,you can advertise your properties online on a reliable website like PropertyPro.ng. Online advertising is quite  effective as we are in a tech savvy generation.

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Why a room is called a “Master’s Bedroom”

Many times, when people, especially agents discuss houses or describe them, the features of the house(s) are mentioned without neglecting the term “a master’s bedroom”. 

In some cases, we must have realized that houses that have a master’s bedroom are usually better, finer, bigger and more inviting than any other place in that house. I have asked myself one question…..Why? Why is this so?

Why a particular room is just picked randomly and tagged “the master’s bedroom?” I am quite sure so many people have pondered on this and have decided to go along with the trend. Not me though. I thought about this and an idea struck me, I decided to carry out a research. With the research carried out, I have these points/reasons as to why a room in a house is called “a master’s bedroom”

Read on to find what qualifies a master bedroom to be one

The features found in “this” room are quite exquisite and inviting. They vary from Jacuzzi’s, the room usually-suit, built-in wall interior designs and comfortable beddings. Furniture(s) and other items in a bedroom vary greatly, depending on taste and local tradition. For instance, a master bedroom may include a bed of a specific size (double, king or queen-sized) one or more dressers (or a wardrobe armoire) cushions, and the like.

Owner’s space
An individual’s bedroom is a reflection of one’s personality, as well as social class, and is unique to each person.  Therefore, depending on one’s pocket, one’s personality and various other aspects of one’s life affect the choice of bedroom type.  The last reason would be that a master bedroom is put in place for the owner of the house; this is mainly the person who pays the bills….of cause he/she would want the best service(s) for his/her funds
These points listed above makes a particular room special or tagged “the master bedroom.” These features can’t definitely be in every room in a house and that’s why a specific room is chosen at will and intriguing features fitted in.

Apex Mortgage bank set to expand their market with 50m subscribers

Mortgage bank

Amid concerns that some contributors to the National Housing Fund (NHF) have not been able to access loans, the Federal Mortgage Bank of Nigeria (FMBN) has assured Nigerians that the amendment of the enabling legislations in the scheme would make it more robust and beneficial.

Accordingly, the bank explains that the objective is to expand its coverage to capture the potential 50 million-market sizes and contribute significantly to the target of creating one million new mortgages on an annual basis while maintaining the single-digit interest rate.

It also expounds that the step will further reach the downmarket beyond the lower medium income bracket; increase mortgage sector contribution to national Gross Domestic Product (GDP), meet the changing mortgage landscape and remain relevant in the face of other mortgage financing developments in the Nigerian Housing Sector.

The Managing Director/Chief Executive of the Mortgage Bank, Ahmed Dangiwa, an architect, made this known in Lagos during the Lagos Housing fair under the lecture titled; “Exploiting opportunities offered by the National Housing Fund Scheme” in Lagos.

Over the years, the NHF Scheme has contended with periods of rejection by workers, but recently, it has recorded a customer base of 4.6 million individual contributors and 22,290 organisations.

Currently, workers in twenty-eight (28) States of the Federation comply with the NHF Act by making monthly contributions. Regarding financial inclusion amongst the non-salaried, informal sector, 21,320 informal sector workers have been registered through 1,078 cooperative societies as contributors to the Fund.

NHF has funded the origination of more than 18,085 mortgage loans, the delivery of 25,850 housing units across the country, and 11,927 FMBN Home Renovation Loans, while a total of N19.3 billion has been refunded to 201,534 beneficiaries who have retired and consequently exited from the Scheme.

He restated that the bank was committed to achieving some objectives of the NHF which are: to mobilise funds for the provision of affordable housing in Nigeria; supply loans for building, purchasing and improving residential housing; incentivise capital market investments in property development and provide long-term loans to mortgage institutions for on-lending to contributors to the Fund.

“The framework for the NHF Scheme provided that its loans be granted at interest rates below market rates and on concessionary terms for affordability.

The purposes of the loans are also specific to funding mortgages for the outright purchase or construction of residential housing as well as the renovation/expansion of residential housing.

Over the years, FMBN has established construction financing loan windows to boost housing supply and is granting mortgage and construction loans through housing cooperatives. In addition, all contributions by individual workers are subject to a full refund, with savings interest based on terms specified in the NHF Act”.

Represented by the Zonal Officer of FMBN in charge of Lagos, Fashina Abiodun, he advised Nigerians to take advantage of its products which include; NFH mortgage loan, Estate development loan, the cooperative housing loans, FMBN home renovation loan and the ministerial pilot housing scheme.

He also assured that before the end of the next quarter, the Bank intends to achieve full automation of the NHF contributions collection process, to ensure transparency and accountability adding that each contributor will receive SMS and email alerts of monthly deductions and access historical contributions records online, real time.

“A “Rent-to-own” product is under process to eliminate the need for 10-30per cent equity down payment to make homeownership more accessible and affordable. The Bank is also engaging in strategic partnerships with stakeholders, through collaborations on the management and utilisation of the NHF Scheme.

“A case in point is the partnership with the Nigerian Labour Congress (NLC), Trade Union Congress (TUC), and the Nigeria Employers Consultative Association (NECA) for housing delivery to Nigerian workers.

Besides that, it is also a partner under the Federal Integrated Staff Housing (FISH) Programme aimed at facilitating homeownership for Federal public servants”, he said.

The major challenges of the NHF scheme according to him also include; workers’ contributions have been the only source of funding the NHF Scheme since inception, inability to enforce mandatory investments by commercial banks and insurance companies, and failure on the part of the Federal Government to make financial contributions, which has significantly limited the potential volume of resources.

He further added that the participation of eligible contributors to the Scheme is low, at just below 10 percent of the estimated 50 million-strong national workforce while affordability remains a major challenge to deepening the Nigerian mortgage market due to low-income levels in the country.

Credit: The Guardian

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Fashola assures citizens that FG won’t watch Niger bridge collapse

Niger bridge

The Minister of Power, Works and Housing, Babatunde Raji Fashola (SAN) has said that the President Muhammadu Buhari administration cannot fold its hands and watch the Niger Bridge, which was built in the 1950s, to collapse.

Fashola stated this while inspecting ongoing repairs and maintenance works on the Niger Bridge, adding that the Federal Government was mindful of the fact that the bridge remains the vital East-West link which has enhanced both socio-political and economic activities in the country, and as such, should not be allowed to collapse.

The minister, who was represented by the Director, Highways, (Bridges and Design), Engineer Adetokunbo Sogbesan disclosed that government has rekindled its efforts to fill the foundation of the existing Niger Bridge facing serious erosion challenges and to replace the vandalized bolts, nuts and rails. He noted that the second Niger Bridge which is 1.59 km in length comprises four sections namely: the Asaba Road, the Toll Plaza, the bridge and the Onitsha Road section.

Describing the bridge, Fashola pointed out that it will have two underpasses classified as secondary bridges planned at Amakom village in Delta State and Atani in Anambra State with an interchange at Obosi Junction of the Onitsha-Owerri Road.

Credit: Daily Trust

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Real estate experts urge government to establish vocational centers for artisans

To check the dearth of skilled artisans, the government should establish vocational and technical schools .
This was the thoughts of experts at the public exhibition of furniture and real estate accessories, organised by IO Furniture to mark the May Day in Lagos.

At the event attended by government agencies , real estate developers and allied professionals, experts lamented the absence of skill labour in the real estate sector and called for a conceited effort to be spearheaded by government to change the narratives.

The founder and managing director of IO Furniture Limited, Mrs. Muni Shonibare said the policy of local content promotion cannot work without the training of workers .

She stressed that there are a lot of works in the building sector , which cannot be done by local artisans thereby forcing manufacturers to look else.

According to her, the artisans need to work side by side with the engineers, architects, surveyors and builders. There is the need to create an industrial hub for their training

She said: “ Currently, I have machines to fix but I have to go abroad or invite expatriates to do it because of dearth of local artisans or machinist to fix them.”

Mrs. Shonibare urged government to invest more in vocational schools as well adjust the present curriculum in the existing institutions in Nigeria for the local content policy to be meaning full.

The exhibition, she said, was to encourage and appreciate workers as well as to showcase the latest furniture piece and accessories to existing and prospective clients.

Credit: The Guardian


Congratulations to the Managing Director of DESTINYKING HOME OF GLOBAL PROPERTIES AND INVESTMENT LIMITED which is know as DESTINY KING HOMES, Destiny Chimauchem Okpalaeke, for the great news he received on 2nd of May, 2018.

According to him on Wednesday, he received a call from London saying his company has received  an award of Best Real Estate Marketing Company in Nigeria in the 2018 African Excellence Awards which was held in London by Mea Markets. According to him, the caller told him to check his email and when he opened his email he saw the same thing.

"Hello Destiny

The panel has come to a decision and I am delighted to inform you that Destiny King Home Of Global Properties And Invest. Ltd has been successful in the 2018 African Excellence Awards, hosted by MEA Markets.

Destiny King Home Of Global Properties And Invest. Ltd has been awarded: 
Best Real Estate Marketing Company - Nigeria

What’s next? You need to decide how you’d like to celebrate the news. You are welcome to select our free Celebration Package,which provides you with the official press release and a listing in our SEO-driven online directory."
In our further discussion, he let us know that this is the second time he is wining Global Award. In 2015 he won award rating him as Top 2 Business Developing Manager in Nigeria Top Executive Award hosted in Australia by World Excellence Award Commission. This year on 2nd of May, 2018, His Company win the Best Real Estate Marketing Company in Nigeria held in London by Mea Markets, the Best Digital Global Marketing and Awarding Company in London.

As we discuss further, he let us know that his company has signed contract with two great Development Companies in Dubai for selling every of the buildings the Developed in Dubai and other Country and his company is their potential alias in Nigeria. They have also agreement in a black and white paper that these two great foreign companies are also coming down to Nigeria to develop some part of his company Estate land in Ibeju Lekki. Showing that by the next 3 years, DESTINY KING HOMES will become the greatest and best development reliable company in Nigeria.

We also celebrate your success achievement and all we have to say is keep it on.

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Top 5 Modern Kitchen Cabinets Design

Cabinets are to the kitchen just like food is to a Man’s belly. A modern kitchen can’t be complete without a cabinet as it is the only means by which you store equipment in your Kitchen. Kitchen cabinets are one of the important features of a modern kitchen design as it is one of the first things you notice in the kitchen.

The Kitchen cabinets are primarily used for storing food, cooking equipment or dishes and can either be installed on the wall or floor. Modern kitchen cabinets are mostly curved or geometric manner and don’t make use of moulding. Kitchen cabinets can come in different sizes, shapes and materials such as wood combination, solid wood and metal.

Check out Top 5 Modern Kitchen Cabinets Design below;
1 1. Base Cabinets
2 2. Wall Cabinets
3 3. Tall Cabinets
4 4. Diagonal Corner Cabinet
5 5. Custom Cabinets

base cabinet
1. Base Cabinets
Base cabinets are the common design of kitchen cabinets that allows for bulk storage and often built with inner shelving for items such as pots, cookware and cleaning supplies. As the name implies, base cabinets are kitchen cabinets placed on the lower parts of the kitchen space. Base cabinets are primarily built to sit under the counter top of the kitchen and remains the largest area of a cabinet system. Base cabinets come in different types such as open base, cabinets, base pull out cabinets, base easy access cabinets and corner cabinets.

wall cabinet
2. Wall Cabinets
Wall cabinets provide your kitchen with storage options above the countertops and the base cabinets. This type of cabinet is usually suspended above the countertops for easy access of kitchen items while in a standing or moving position and are typically used for storing spices, beverages and
lightweight utensils. Wall cabinets can only have a box frame, panelled door or hanging rail and can never include drawers or shelves. Consideration must be given to the wall that will house the cabinet, it should at least be 12 inches deep to hold the cabinets and heavy items should not be placed inside a wall cabinet. Wall cabinets come in different types such as wall end cabinet, wall angle cabinet and wall trash pull-out cabinet.

tall cabinet
3. Tall Cabinets
Tall cabinets outshine other types of kitchen cabinets as regards its height and storage capacity. Tall cabinets as the name implies can be as tall as 96 inches. Tall cabinets can be referred to as pantry
cabinets and are mostly used for utility storage. It has the capacity to accommodate large and bulky items such as food supplies. Types of tall cabinets are tall pantry pullout, utility tall cabinets and oven and microwave cabinets.

4. Diagonal Corner Cabinet
Diagonal corner cabinets are primarily designed to be installed in a corner space of a building and it offer more storage space as it is larger in dimensions. This type of cabinets provides a diagonal transition across the right angle of the corner. Diagonal cabinet dimension makes it difficult to reach deep inside the corner area except for the drawer style and as such the cabinet should not be filled with heavy items.

custom cabinet
5. Custom Cabinets
Custom cabinets are specifically built to serve an identified purpose. Custom cabinets are built to owner specifications and can be expensive, labor-intensive and time-consuming. A professional cabinetmaker or carpenter can be hired to measure the space where the cabinet will be used to prevent the cabinet from being too small or big. Custom cabinets are either built on or off site by a skilled carpenter, it has multipurpose use and can be used for kitchen that are not of standard size.
With the right kitchen cabinets, you need not struggle to get items behind the cupboard or back of the shelf any longer. The above-listed options will help reduce your stress of fixing your dream kitchen cabinets that will be functional.

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5 Bathroom Design Ideas for Modern Houses

bathroom design ideas

On no occasion should you carry a water-filled bucket to your bathroom to bath. Buckets are meant for storage and not to be switched for modern bathroom fittings. Modern bathroom design has become a luxury in the modern home.

Modern bathroom as an essential part of the house can be a good place for gym, music system or TV.

Check out 5 bathroom design ideas for modern houses below;
1 1. Bathroom Sizes
2 2. Storage Space
3 3. Fancy Lightning
4 4. Adequate Ventilation
5 5. Painting and Decor

bath size
1. Bathroom Sizes
The bathroom comes in different sizes such as the Master, Luxury, Full, Half, Children or guest bathroom. The functions that are to be performed by the bathroom determines its size and amount of fittings and decor. All of the bathroom types should include toilet and shower. The different sections of the bathroom should be separated into different compartments. Master, Luxury and Full bathrooms can include toilet, sinks, tub, showers or even exercise equipment. Modern bathroom designs should be big enough to allow a walk-in-showers installation.

bathroom cabinet
2. Storage Space
Modern bathroom designs offer homeowners with storage capacity. You can make use of the bathroom walls to fix shelves or cabinets anywhere in the bathroom. Corner shelves and towel hangers are best options to store toiletries and other things in the bathroom.

bathroom lighting
3. Fancy Lightning
Natural lighting is as important as water to the modern bathroom to restore some level of natural feeling in the bathroom and regulate the smell. The window or wall roof can be built in such a way that it will allow for sunlight penetration. Bathroom lighting give your home an illuminated, mixture of natural lights and artificial lights make your bathroom more pleasant and loving. Lighting should be used to brighten up space and properly enhance the decor.

bathroom windows
4. Adequate Ventilation
Wonder why some bathroom walls break into a sweat when someone showers, the ventilation system is not enough. Modern bathroom windows should moderately size to allow natural air passage. A mid-sized exhaust fan should be installed in the bathroom to enable the free flow of air from the
bathroom to more open spaces of the houses. Moisture and humidity generated by the bathroom can lead to damage by penetrating ceilings, floors and other parts of the house. A power ventilator should be installed to move bathroom to outdoors at least eight times per hour or once in 7-8 minutes.

bathroom colour
5. Painting and Decor
The decoration isn’t a common feature because primarily the bathroom shares the same painting with the house. The right choice of bathroom painting at an early stage will help avoid peeling or moulding walls. High gloss or semi-gloss paint should be purchased or special bathroom paints that are peeling-resistant. Brighter colours should be used in smaller bathrooms to make it appear bigger
and lively. Modern bathrooms walls can be painted in single, mixed colours and pattern. Decors such as wall art, mirrors and accessories (toothbrush holders, soap dispensers) are great addition to a modern bathroom design.

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