Make a proper research — Don’t prove a statement

When we’re trying to design, if we make assumptions without information they just turn in giant risks .
We have so many books of design and so many free sources to get inspired and when it comes to real life product such as iTunes or Googles tries and failures of their so called social media are just terrible. And even though they have all the data they still don’t understand people.
Why do bad products exist when we actually know how to make good ones?Why are there some good products and some bad products?
This is because we live in two worlds.
The one is with our assumptions and the other one is the real world. The two worlds are connected by our wishes.
What if we transform that wish into actual knowledge? Wouldn’t that be a better bridge to the real world?
When we talk about user experience and design we all understand user research, usability and so on which is in fact only one part of it. You also have to know about all the things that you don’t control. Even when talking to your colleges, don’t take everything for granted, or shut your ears and pretend listening. Be there; try to find out what he wants to say, why is he saying it that way. If you agree or disagree with somebody don’t just nod your head.
Usually they say you have to learn to listen, but you actually have to learn to be the last to speak. As Simon Sinek says:
“The skill to hold your opinion to yourself does two things:
1 — It gives everybody else the feeling that they have been heard, it gives everybody the ability to feel that they have contributed.
2 — You get the benefit of hearing what everybody else has to say before you render your opinion.”
Simply sit and ask questions. Understand what they mean. Why they have the opinion that they have. Don’t get enough with just what they say. And in the end you will get your turn. It sounds easy but it’s not. Just practice to be the last to speak.
You have to know all the things that you don’t control like people and situations. If you do than at least you’re informed and you can prepare yourself.
So what is really a research?
Is it the thing that can help you finding the things you can control?
Actually it’s just asking questions and being organized while queuing the answers.
All the research is done to have the necessary information to make decisions. A design project is a series of decisions.
Research leads you to decisions. The better the research the better design we will deliver to the world.
Only data doesn’t change minds, big companies have to understand that. So the general corporate thinking is like this “You know we don’t have time to do a research but we have time to figure out if it’s the right thing “!
Making statements instead of asking questions it’s a hasty action. Maybe some companies can allow this to themselves but it’s a waste! Even the garbage has to be organized in order to live in a better world.
Anyhow to do a basic research we require only to :
1. Ask question
2. Gather Data
3. Analyze the Data.
That’s it. I know that you have to show numbers and reports. But most of the people don’t read them. They see the results and you get asked stupid questions without any rooted case or argument. Very few ask questions like, “What questions did you ask to do the research?”.
That is actually very important because is the questions that determine the results.

Start with understanding what people really want don’t start with the solution you’re really excited about building.

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